Friday, January 9, 2015


Do you ever just have to sit and ask How?
How did the Lord bring me to where I am at now?
How is it that my Savior is so patient with me?
How can God be working amongst my situation? 
How come we have to loose people in our lives, both physically thru death or just the end of a relationship?
How come hate exist in our world?
How come people choose not to forgive?
How come people choose to walk away from God?
How come we have to hurt?
How can God take the crummiest situations and turn them to the very best?
How will what I am doing, studying, thinking about, reflecting on now effect my future?
The list of Hows could go on  and on!!!!

But the one thing I do know and the best way I know how to answer many of these HOWS.... is this: 
"This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers.  If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him?  Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth. " 1 John 3:16-18
God is teaching me so much incredibly about His love and grace in so many realms... it is amazing!!! Although visiting home during Thanksgiving break and Christmas break at times with family.... Gods love transended the hate... the discord... the enemy's work and with the Love Christ has given me for my family... the Lord showed me the importance of interceding for my family! To cry out on their behalf for their salvation, for healing and so much more!!!And that is what I did in the space of my home and now even being 4 hours away that is still what I am doing and thru it... Christ is teaching me a little more about love each day!!!!
I also am learning so much about in my classroom as well!!!Just a few days ago I had a Jesus moment... one of my students who has tramatic brain damage... just retured from Christmas from having hand foot and moth disease... therefore a lot of the sores on his hands were still healing... and when this student eats... he gets food everywhere.... therefore he needs to be wipped off when he is finished... and on this particular day... I was helping him with lunch, and as I was wiping the food off his hands with his healing sores, this unconditional love came over me and it was as if I was wiping the hands of Jesus, It was like Jesus was sitting right next to me and his love filled me!!!
I have also had some some very hard days with students where it was hard to love, but Jesus is teaching me a little more each day and that love is growing more and more as I love them with Christ love!!!! 
And I have to say at times, my staff is the hardest part of the job, there is a lot of conflict and tension in our room but more than anything, I want to love the 7 wonderful ladies the Lord has placed in my classroom that I get to work with.... I know each of them have their own thing that burden their heart, so with the heart and love of Christ I want to press on and love them as much as I can with Christ strength and be His beccon of light that I may so be used by Him!!

As I have had so many opportunities to love, I have also been so love on, more than I could ever ask or imagine! It is beautiful it is wonderful it is the care of the Savior!!!
I am so loved through:
The HUGS  of friends
The kindness of Melody and Amber allowing me to be apart of their family and sharing their come with me!
The time Tish, Melody, Emily and Hannah have spent with me.... just being girls being us!!!
Bible Study of Acts with Tish
Dance practice with Melody and all her patience and help
Getting to journey with Tish that she would allow me to journey so close with her, that she would share her heart and freely let me share mine!
A wonderful Church family that I am getting to know more and more all the time!!!
And most of all a Savior whose love, forgiveness, faithfulness, grace is more than I could ever ask for!!!
So yes I have so many HOWS but Christ covers it all for His plan!!!!
So HOW will I live for Christ and demonstrate HIS LOVE to others today?

Reflections of 2014

2014 described in one word: newfangled... Yes this is a real word! It is defined in the dictionary as: different from what one is use to; objectively new! And full of brand news it was!! January was about the only month that was the same as before :) as I took my last J-Term as a college student... But I also knew I needed a job! I needed somewhere to live and stay! So January ended and February popped right up! And as God sooo faithfully and perfectly does provided a wonderful job as an after school teacher in a new program in Mount Gilead!   So from February to May I had the wonderful opportunity to be a first grade teacher to the sweetest 13 1st grade boys & girls, as their reading and math skills grew and we decorated our classroom with the theme of Rupunzel we had a blast together and I grew as a beginning teacher... It was wonderful and my heart was so in love and content with where The Lord had placed me! Also from February to May I lived with my best friend  which proved to be one of the best and toughest experiences of my life! But I wouldn't trade it for the world! It is every girls dream to live with their best friend! And I truly can say I am beyond thankful for all the memories we created together, that will forever be a treasure in my heart! From our nightly prayer time, to her epic redemption in skipbo to take back the thrown of skipbo champion, to all the dinners we made or frosted flakes me ate, to the cupcakes I spilled on her feet, to all the movies we watched or should I say all the movies we looked for... For hours, to learning How to fish tail braid, to having our own family of mice that wanted to share our living space and food as well, to all the conversations we had and shared as we grew in The Lord as sisters, as kindred spirits as best friends with very different personalities.... Because of it I learned better How to communicate then ever before,  to receiving a wonderful spiritual gift! Oh the list could go on!!!we got to live in our very first apartment, thanks to the blessing of one of our previous bosses to the way others blessed us with useful gifts for our home!! We learned a lot and I am so thankful for the opportunity I had to live with Tish, living on our own.. I def had to grow up a lot and that I did! In those months we also saw The Lord provide for so many finical needs.. All in His timing and way and God blessed us with wonderful summer jobs!! So for the last 2 weeks of June and the month of July our after school program turned into a summer program... That was the most amazing and fun teaching job a girl could ask for! We got to spend Monday thru Thursday with the kiddos, from 9 to 3 learning a lot but lots of hands on outdoor learning opportunities as well complete with all day long Wednesday field trips and to top it all off my 13 kiddos were tiny weenies just 4&5 and as precious as can be! I don't think I have ever enjoyed a summer job more... It was spiracular! Also flash back to may... I had a job interview for a job in Mount Gilead... As an intervention specialist for the 2014/2015 school year! Interview went well! Now flash forward to a week later... Monday June 2nd I get an email from a school in Mauritius Africa... Telling me I have the job as their intervention special if I would like to take it.... Oh my goodness I am over the moon... This is my dream job... The job and place I would love to be!!! The. The very next day I get a call from the the Job I interviewed for the week prior for the intervention specialist in mount Gilead, except it is in Marion... Thinking oh it can't be that far away from mount Gilead... So there I was left with the choice of two very different jobs in two very different places.... Africa or Marion! How was it that I was to decide... Between to stay or too go? I thought... Wouldn't it be so much easier if one place told me no and the other place told me yes? But you know what?? Looking back at it now... I am so thankful and glad that I did have to decide... Because it caused me to seek the voice and direction of The Lord! It caused me to slow down & to really seek  His direction!! For I wanted nothing more than to walk in obedience... And so... After much prayer and council from a very special lady in my life... God made it clear that I was to stay for such a time as this! That I had some more growing and learning to do as a teacher... So August began a whole new venture and season of Life!! I got plugged into a brand new Church that I Love and that I am growing and being challenged in my walk and I Look forward to continually growing in!! God provided the most wonderful place to live... After a summer of turmoil and the worry and wonder of where it was that I was to live... What the enemy meant for harm... The Lord so perfectly orchestrated a home of peace that was so close to school where I would be teaching and some new wonderful friends that would love me with the Love of Christ and allow me to be a part of their family! So began my first month as a first year full time teacher! It was tough... I remember asking God at the very beginning of August..."Why did you ask me to stay?" And He so perfectly and clearly said as the beautiful sun was setting, "Just Wait" so that is what I am doing... Through all the hard and wonderful moments of teaching 9 kiddos with Autism and working with a staff of 7 others adults... It's hard often! But through the growing and stretching of being a 1st year teacher, I am learning daily How to depend on The Lord! How to pray for each of my 9 kiddos and 7 staff members... This is sure different than what I thought I would be doing... But from August to December thus far... It's been full of brand news! The kids are growing in their academics and improving in their behavior... May be slow at times... But every bit forward is a milestone and celebration!! I have learned patience and grace in a whole new light!! We have had wonderful class parties, my very first  picture day as a teacher and my very first teacher badge, have written my first IEP and held my first IEP meeting and first set of patent teacher conferences! So many firsts... But also right alongside a wonderful support system that is above and have been such a wonderful help! I have also had the amazing privilege amongst all the brand news of these past few months to have a familiar and constant, as Tish is only an hour away at college giving us the opportunity to share many of our weekends together between August and December.. So precious treasured moments, moments of journeying together and watching one another grow in our faith leaps and bounds, encouraging and loving on one another, praying and interceding for one another as prayer warriors and sisters in the faith!!
  I also have had the Wonderful opportunity of making a new friend! Melody... Who has allowed now to move in with her and her wonderful mom Amber! Melody has shared her entire upstairs with me! Has made me feel so welcomed and loved!! I treasure our Wednesday night drives to and from Church and our to and from to Bible study trips on Thursdays! I love that we get to share life! It's like having a sister... I love it & I am so thankful!! It is such a blessing to have a friend that loves Jesus sooo much that she radiates Christ and wants His best for those around her! I love that we can talk about life and boys and about all that Christ is doing in our lives, and pray with and for each other!

This year has been amazing ! A year of growth! Lots of brand news!! But a God who is ever so faithful and constant! I am so thankful for such an amazing Savior that has a perfect plan for our lives!!