Monday, July 14, 2014


This post came from, my blog a year ago right around this time, when I was preparing for Thailand and needed $3,000 to go, which God provided every penny for, but here it is:  "As the Lord continues to ask me to trust Him, He sends little reminders my way to encourage my heart... such as the words from this devotional I came across today:"I want you to be all Mine. I am weaning you from other dependencies. Your security rests in Me alone--and not in other people, not in circumstances. Depending only on Me may feel like walking on a tightrope, but there is a safety net underneath: the everlasting arms. So don't be afraid of falling. Instead, look ahead to Me. I am always before you, beckoning you on--one step at a time. Neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, can separate you from My loving presence." Wow! What a reminder and challenge as I continue to embark on this journey leaning completely on the Lord!"

This was a year ago, but I believe that I needed this REMINDER more now than I did a year ago, don't get me wrong, I needed it then too!!!

But lets just pause for a moment,
So our God is so good and orchestrates our life and every detail so much, that He knew on July 14th, I would need this reminder! As I prepare for a new journey, a brand new step in life as a first year teacher as a special ed teacher and not a clue as to where or who I will live with! I am terrified, honestly scared out of my whits!!! 

But I am taken back to the truth of the Lord that we must have faith, He is going to carry me and provided for every need as I take it moment by moment!
Its ok to be scared! But I am called to trust, to trust fully and completely! 
He is ABLE I am confident!!! I am thankful!
Satan has no way, I will not give him room or time to influence!!!
I am victorious in Christ! I will not allow fear to overtake or hinder what God is doing or what He is about to do!!
This is my Praise song right NOW!!!!

You have won the victory.
You have won it all for me.

Death could not hold you down
You are the risen king
Seated in Majesty
You are the risen king

 I am so thankful!!! He has indeed won the victory and He is my King!!!!

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Our Mess is Our Greatest Message

Our Mess is Our Greatest Message, hmmm... What does that mean? And why does that resonate with me soo much?
Well honestly! I feel such a mess sometimes.... I feel discouraged and wonder... How can God use someone like me, who struggles with so much!! With the FEARS of being alone, the unknown, of messing up, not getting it! Someone who can be very dependent on others at times, one who just feels soooo broken at times!!!! 
Doubt run through my head so much of the time... How am I gonna do this, have I made the right choice? 

After a harder day or more like few days... I was sooo encouraged and challenged by a podcast I heard from Priscilla Shrier, that Reminded me that  I need to clean my nets... I need to just stop for a few moments,
Refocus, get my bearings, refresh!!!
I also am So thankful for those who The Lord has placed in my life to help me clean my nets!! We have not been called to live this life alone, but he has given me sisters in the faith that love him soo sooo much!! And boy, I just get goose bumps that the Lord would give me a kinder spirit that loves Jesus as much as I do and wants nothing in this life more than to please and completely live her life for Jesus!!! 
I was reminded that my Jesus sees every detail of my life...  Not one tear goes unnoticed!!! And He wants to invade each and every part of our lives!! Our mess can be our greatest Message for Jesus! 
So sometimes when I feel such a mess and doubtful!!! 
I am so thankful to have the examples and stories in the Bible of those who also were a mess!!! Those who decided to dive into the deep waters when it made no sense!!!But you know what else??? There is not 1 story, not even 3 or 4 but sooo many accounts!!
Where soo many had to step out in faith to the crazy call of trust to say Yes when it made no sense!!
Noah  built an ark when there was no rain!
Moses stretching his rod out over a body of water
Sara shopping For maternity clothes at a super old age! 
Ester going in against protocol to go in and speak to the King!
Wise men, following a big star
Peter stepped out on water 
Teen Mary getting prego, saying an angel did it!
Jesus hanging on a cross!
Soooo these people did crazy things  and said yes even when It didn't make sense!
But you know what?
It did rain!
The Red Sea did part!
Sara did give birth!
Easter did save her people out of great harm!
The wise men did find baby Jesus!
Peter walked on water!
Mary gave birth to the Messiah!
Jesus died and rose again and saved the World!
God asks us to dive into the deep water... Where we can't touch... He wants us to have the courage to say Yes!!! Even when it does not make sense!!!
So I like these Bible Heroes I am a mess, what God asks me to do sometimes does not make sense! It is scary! But I am not the First! And I will not be the last!!! But Just as He used their mess for His divine purpose and Message! He can use mine too!! 

I have been given:
A promise! 
I am in the process! And have seen Gods faithfulness time and time again!! 
I have been given examples!
I have others to journey with!! 
But most of all!!! I have my Jesus, who sees and is with me through every detail!! I must simply trust and allow Him to invade every space of my life!!
I am in the process! And have seen Gods faithfulness time and time again!! 
I have been given examples!
I have others to journey with!! 

But most of all!!! I have my Jesus, who sees and is with me through every detail!! I must simply trust and allow Him to invade every space of my life!!