I would say that it is the little things in life that matter the most to me, and I would even say it is the little things in life that have the most significant impact in many realms: from spiritually, mentally and emotionally!
I love the little things of life so much, the:
- random texts or little notes that say "I love you"
- the laughter of friends
- the warmth of the sunshine after a long winter
- the sleepovers in the living room on a small mattress so we could all be together
- the reminder of a special bond of friendship or family memory when a certain song comes on the radio
- hugs
- dripping frosting all over the place when making tons of cupcakes knowing your making lifetime memories
- when my students color me pictures
- holding hands during prayer
- well cooked green beans
- extra cheesy pizza
- super chocolaty chip cookies
- when my students get what I am working so hard at teaching them
- freshly washed sheets
- ...... and the list could go on!!!!
For I believe that the Lord is using the little things of this life to mold, shape and prepare us for the big picture... For as I once said... "The journey is at times so much more valuable than the end result" For we just want to get to the big picture, the end result from graduation to the "right job" to the next break or vacation... or even for Friday or the weekend... we often say if I can just make it till Friday and we push and we shove to get to that next step or the next point... that we miss and lose out.... man am I guilty of that....
I have to stop and ask my self, what would it look like to live in each moment so open to the Lord'd fine tuning and shaping... being so present in the moment we have been called to live...

I know for me, the little things are the hardest for me to give to the Lord to control... like it seems like the big stuff is like okay... God I know you have this because its the only thing that makes sense... but the small stuff, like:
- How will I stay connected the way I want to with my close friends
- Why do I keep messing up
- How will I be able to pay for this or that
- What if that makes her mad at me or upset by saying this
- timing
- finances
- desires
- loneliness
- leading
- fear
I know that God is a God of details... He has created me the way that I am... to love the little things and to constantly surrender it all, including the little thing for our potter is working of the flaws the big and small once... I just must continue to trust and give it to him.
I am memorizing Psalm 34 and I believe very much soo a reminder of the Lord, not to live in s spirit of fear, but to SEEK HIM FOR ALL THE DETAILS!!!!
We are so much alike with this stuff. I feel as if I could have written this as well. love you girl!