I awoke with the urge to check my email this morning, like I often do, so at 6am... barley awake, I read this email:
Hi Heather. I hope that you are doing well. I'd love to hear what you're thinking and praying about...why? I'm sitting in a classroom right now observing a little girl with a significant learning disability. She requires so much academic support that my staff isn't trained to provide. The staff loves her and does everything in their power to help but she isn't making progress. I'd really like to have a teacher join us that can invest the time into these children on a daily basis.

Jeff (The principal from the school in Mauritius, Africa)
As soon as I finished reading this email, a burden so heavy was placed upon my heart!
This is my passion!
My Dream
My Calling
- I want to teach children with special needs
- I want to go, to do it in such an nontraditional way
- I have been given a tool box of skills and tools! I want to share!
- I have such a love and passion for the people of Africa!
- I want to be the hands and feet of Jesus
- I have such a heart and love to meet the needs of struggling students
- I believe that to seek to learn is to seek to serve and this right here is a prime example and opportunity to do as so as a kingdom builder of Jesus!
- This is a raise your own support job, who is going to support me?
- I have $59,000 in school loans... how will I pay these?
- Where and how would I make money?
- I would be far from home, what if something happens or someone needs me?
- Do I have enough experience or enough to offer?
- Should I pass up another job offer?
"For God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power and love and discipline." 2 Timothy 1:7
I have faith that my God can do a marvelous and wonderful work!
If this is what He has called me too, He will provide every cent, every need, He will be my strength, He will help me and provide the resources!
I am called to have faith, to TRUST! He has not failed me once!!!
So as I pray and consider these options, I more than anything want to be lead by the Lord! As I sit before the Lord, asking and praying for His leading and guiding! I can help but to say, Speak Lord your Servant is listening!
My prayer and Hearts desire remains: WHEREVER YOU SEND ME LORD USE ME!
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