Tonight as I went back and read over my blog and journey through Thailand, the before, during and after I was left amazed at the faithfulness of God, through His provision to provide every penny and every ounce of peace!!! Although I have been home from Thailand for 15 Months and still sometimes it feels like a lifetime ago, so much as happened!!! I can see how the pieces of my Thailand Journey have become an intricate and essential part of my journey today as a first year teacher!!! Did I ever think I would be teaching in OHIO today in March of 2015.... umm no!! Not at all actually!!! I don't always love that I am still here in Ohio, I thought for sure I would be anywhere else, but you know what? Those were Heathers plans, Heathers thoughts!!! But you know what!!! I am so glad that I live in Jesus plans, that He has given me the strength to be obedient to Him and to live in His will and His way!!!
Because of Him I have had the opportunity to grow so incredibly much as a first year teacher!!!! But in this first year as a first year teacher I have had the wonderful privilege from the company that I work for to receive tremendous support!!! I have successfully completed 3 IEP meetings and close to 50 parent meetings!!! Because the Lord has kept me in Ohio for this year, I have gotten to hug and be present with my mom when my grandma unexpectedly passed away in September, I have gained a whole new family through Melody and Amber who have allowed me to live in their home and become a part of their family, I have gained two wonderful spiritual grandmas (I love you Grandma Morris and Grandma Connie) who have spoken wisdom, love and life into my life through their council and wisdom I have learned so much more about Jesus, I have gotten to have some amazing weekends with my best friend who is doing a fantastic job as a nursing student at MVNU we have had so many wonderful moments that are treasures straight from heaven and oh how they are precious the prayers we pray together, the conversations we have, every hug and every conversation (Tish you are a blessing straight from Heaven), I have gotten to be present with Grandma Morris and Tish as Grandpa lived His final days here on this side of Heaven (I even got to share some precious moments of our own as I got to read scripture to him for a few hours and I saw my first angle by His bedside as we sang hymns with him) and then after he entered into Heaven I got to learn even more about his legacy of His love and obedience to Christ, I have gotten to see and have a sleepover with Emily in her first apartment of her own, I have gotten to be present with Hannah and share in the exciting and special moments of her life this year, I have gotten to kiss my little doggie so much when I visit my family, I have gotten to travel to many different churches depending on where the Lord had me on a given weekend, I have been so blessed with a beautiful safe vehicle, I am learning so much about Jesus and still growing in my TRUST!! These are all the little and big reasons I can see today why Jesus has me still in OHIO... I am His vessel ready and willing to go where ever HE sends me!!! IF that be OHIO, BELIZE,THAILAND, MEXICO or wherever!!! I am HIS and if I listen and seek HIM he will direct me!!! He knows the desires of my heart, my dreams to teach internationally, to help teachers in other countries and to even begin special ed classrooms that do not even exits yet! He knows I want to be a wife and mother!!! He knows I want to continue to be the best friend, sister and daughter he has called me to be!! But I am so thankful with my Savior knowing the desires of my heart He is giving me the tools and equipping me with the skills and tools that I will need to make these dreams a reality!!So with every desire and dream I commit to living a life before my Savior in prayer, believing, interceding and loving with FAITH and TRUST!!!!