It has been a while since I have blogged! So I thought it was about time! Nothing tremendous or huge has happened!But the Lord has absolutely been at work within my heart and life! Teaching me and growing me!!!
I can not imagine a life a part from Jesus He is my everything: The reason I smile, the reason I am who I am! I absolutely love living my life with Jesus!!! I have grown so much in love with Him and only wish to continue to do as so!!!! But a big question that has been on my mind lately through many situations and stories I have encountered is: HOW DOES MY LOVE I HAVE FOR JESUS AND THE LOVE HE HAS DEMONSTRATED TO ME.... POUR OUT IN MY LIFE, HOW IS IT IMPACTING AND ENCOURAGING OTHERS?
I have had the opportunity to journey along in two blogs lately...... one from the perspective of a beautiful woman in her battle with cancer to the end and another ladies story as she has lost her husband..... both ladies so in love with the Lord and the legacy they left and will leave is amazing, I am truly blown away, I am left at times saying, this isnt fair, that these lives have to end so early, but my golly what an imprint of Christ they have left!!! I am encouraged and I am challenged, I am done feeling sorry for my self, sad or whatever, I have a job!!! I want to love like I have never loved before!!! I want to be done worrying about what others think about me!!!! I want to love the precious people the Lord has placed in my life, my family, my friends!!! I do not want bitterness to have any root!!! I choose to forgive what the devil continues to bring up from my past to forgive those family member to forgive those friends to forgive my self!! I do not have to live in my past but to celebrate and live in the gift of today!!! I want to love every single person I meet and I already know with the love of Christ!!! I want to love my co-workers and my students!!!! I want to be the hands and feet of Christ if that be the missions trip to Mexico this summer the good or bad days in my classroom, in my home in Jefferson or my home in Marion or my other home in Mount Vernon, if that be through laughs in the car with my friend, or deep conversations over coffee or the lady at the super market or the mechanic at the auto place or the gentlemen making my coffee at Starbucks!!!! I want to love with such a deep love of Jesus to exemplify Christ in my everyday life in the joys and sorrows!!!!
Today I am leaving behind my bitterness and I am living in Christ's grace and love and I am going to share that!!!
I am sure I will mess up I will fail but oh my golly I have such an amazing Savior to be my strength!! I am committed to growing in this!!! But I never want to be the same!! I have been given another day and so I want to live it out to the fullest LOVING WELL!!!!
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